Supporting evidence-based practice, further education, and self-care.
Welcome to St. Francis Hospice Library.
Our aim is to provide an information service to the staff of the hospice and to others involved in research into palliative care and related subjects. We have an up-to-date collection of books and reports relevant to the needs of our users.
The Library is open everyday to staff and volunteers.
The Librarian is on duty Tuesday – Thursday 9am-4pm.
Staff and volunteers may borrow up to four books at any one time. The loan period is one month. Books may be renewed, if not requested by another reader. If a book is lost by a borrower they will be charged the replacement cost. Other library users may not borrow books but can avail of photocopying facilities subject to copyright regulations. If they are affiliated to an organisation with a library, an inter-library loan service can be arranged.
Books are catalogued by subject, using the Dewey decimal classification scheme. Official publications are classified separately. All material can be retrieved by subject via the online catalogue. We also subscribe to key palliative care associated journals and newsletters. A full list of our journals is available in the library. The library also houses a small audiovisual collection of relevant material.
The library is a member of The Health Journal Network Ireland (HJNI) which is a co-operative document supply scheme allowing libraries to share journal articles under copyright law. For further information please contact the library.
Library Newsletter
A monthly library newsletter is sent to all staff and subscribers. This contains a selection of newly published articles, recent additions to the library collection, and other library related news and events. The latest issue can be read here.
If you are a staff member or a volunteer at St. Francis Hospice you can sign up for a library account by completing the form below.
Library Account Application Form
By submitting this form you consent to having a St. Francis Hospice Library account set up.