How We Are Governed
St. Francis Hospice Dublin is governed by a Constitution made up of a Memorandum and Articles of Association, and the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall governance and management of St. Francis Hospice Dublin. All Directors are unpaid volunteers. No Director is employed directly or indirectly by St. Francis Hospice Dublin or has any financial relationship with the organisation. No expenses or fees are paid to Directors.
The Board of Directors comprising of voluntary, non-executive Directors, is the body governing St. Francis Hospice Dublin and is vested with the powers to carry out its aims in particular focusing on matters of policy and oversight. The Board of Directors meets six times per year. In addition, the Annual General Meeting of Trustees/Members is held each year.
The Board ensures that the activities of St. Francis Hospice Dublin are consistent with its charitable objectives.
In particular, the Board of Directors has collective responsibility for:
- Putting in place a clear scheme of delegation of accountability from the Board to the CEO
- Approval of the strategic goals, annual service plans and the annual Service Arrangement with the HSE
- Approval of annual budgets and ensuring the adequacy of internal financial control measures
- Approval of significant procurement contracts and acquisitions, disposals and retirement of hospice assets
- Ensuring effective systems are in place for identifying and managing risk
- Approval of annual reports and audited financial statements
- Approval of Annual Compliance Statement prior to submission to HSE
St. Francis Hospice Dublin is committed to improving and enhancing its governance structures and continually strives to achieve best practice in corporate governance.
The Board has devised and agreed procedures for conducting its business in a productive way. To do this it has established an appropriate sub-committee structure. The following sub-committees are approved by the Board:
Governance and Risk
The role of the Governance and Risk Committee is to oversee the implementation of governance and risk management at St. Francis Hospice Dublin and to review its compliance with the Charities Regulator’s Governance Code. The committee also oversees Board nominations and remuneration. The committee meets four times each year.
Finance and Audit
The role of the Finance and Audit Committee is to focus principally on assisting the Board in fulfilling its duties by providing an independent and objective review of the financial status and performance of St. Francis Hospice Dublin. The committee meets four times each year.
Quality and Safety
The role of the Quality and Safety Committee is to make a positive difference to the safety, health and welfare of all patients, staff, volunteers and visitors at St. Francis Hospice Dublin. The committee meets four times each year.
Fundraising Advisory
The role of the Fundraising Advisory Committee is to ensure that all fundraising activity is conducted in line with current best practice for fundraising and Board approved policy. The committee meets four times each year.
Research Ethics
The purpose of the Research Ethics Committee is to evaluate from an ethical viewpoint any planned research at St. Francis Hospice or by its staff in settings where no Research Ethics Committees are available. The committee meets at least twice a year.
Our Governance Policy
ORG021-Corporate Governance Manual and Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors
St. Francis Hospice Dublin’s Leadership Team includes the Chief Executive Officer, Medical Director, Director of Nursing and Head of Finance. The Leadership Team is supported by an Executive Team comprising the Head of Human Resources, Head of Fundraising, Business Manager, Quality, Risk & Patient Safety Manager, Communications Manager, IT Manager and General & Technical Services Manager.