We offer two regular support groups for grieving adults in our community.
Read about our Grief Café and our Walk and Talk group below.
If you wish to register, please use the forms provided or ring our Social Work Secretary on (01) 832 7535.
Grief Café Bereavement Support Group
Welcome to our Grief Café. This is a safe space for people who have been bereaved to chat with others who are also living with grief and grappling with similar feelings of grief and loss, over a cup to tea or coffee.
Grieving can often feel isolating, but when you meet others in your locality going through similar experiences, it can help you to feel more understood and less alone.
Members of our bereavement team will also be present to answer questions you might have or talk about living with grief.
Attending the Grief Café is free of charge. We ask that you register in advance.
Dates: First Friday of each month
Time: 10:00-11:30 am
Venue: St Francis Hospice Blanchardstown
To register: Fill out the online form, or email bereavement@sfh.ie or ring our Social Work Secretary on (01) 832 7535.
Walk and Talk Bereavement Support Group
Welcome to our Walk and Talk group. This group is for people who have experienced a bereavement. Members of the bereavement team will guide a walk in the park, where you can meet and talk to other bereaved people who know what it is like living with grief. The walk will take about an hour, and we will finish with a cup of tea or coffee in Olive’s Café at the Red Stables.
The walk will take place on the last Tuesday of every month from 10:00 am until noon in St Anne’s Park, Raheny. The walk is suitable for most levels of mobility as it takes place on flat paths within the park. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing to take part in the walk on the day, as the walk will go ahead in all weather unless there is a weather warning issued by Met Eireann.
Attending the Walk and Talk group is free of charge. We ask that you register in advance.
Dates: Last Tuesday of each month
Time: 10am-noon
Venue: St Anne’s Park, Raheny (meet at the Red Stables)